
Get Help with Workplace Harassment: Hire Sydney Lawyers & Associates as Your Employment Lawyers in Blacktown

As an employee, you have the right to feel comfortable, respected, and safe at work. Unfortunately, sometimes that just doesn’t happen. Harassment in the workplace can take many forms, from unwanted sexual advancement to bullying, all the way to discrimination due to your race, gender, religion or other factors.

If you feel like you are the victim of workplace harassment and your employer has neglected to put a stop to it, then taking legal action might be your best recourse. At Sydney Lawyers & Associates, our employment lawyers in Blacktown can help you fight against harassment on legal grounds. Even if you aren’t sure if you want to take your case to court, you can sit down with our employees to learn more about workplace harassment and the options you have going forward.

Harassment in the workplace can take many forms. In some cases, it can become so ingrained in the work environment culture that you cease to notice it. For instance, sexual harassment can be very overt—like unwelcome touching or sexual advances from co-workers—but it can also take the form of lewd verbal remarks or jokes about gender, sexual activity or other similar topics. Harassment at work also goes beyond just sexual harassment. If your boss frequently yells at you, calls you names, intimidates you or trashes your work to ‘show their control’ to the rest of the office, then you have been a victim of workplace harassment and deserve redress.

To learn more about workplace harassment and the rights you carry in regards to it, call Sydney Lawyers & Associates. We will be happy to set up a consultation between you and our employment lawyers in Blacktown. You can reach us on 1300 544 437.